

How To Save Fuel When The Loader Is Working

Aug 07, 2022
Loaders are large mechanical equipment and consume a lot of fuel. Therefore, in daily work, we should pay attention to the operation skills in order to effectively save fuel. What do we do? Let's take a look at the fuel-saving methods of the loader at work. 1. Select the gear reasonably. The loader bucket is inserted into the material pile, and when the material is stripped, the insertion resistance is large. During the shovel loading process, the I gear should be selected, and the shovel loading can be completed with a relatively small throttle. The throttle is small, the speed of the diesel engine is low, not only the fuel consumption is low, but also the hydraulic system flow of the working device is small, the overflow loss is small, and the diesel oil consumption is further reduced. 2. Avoid torque converter stall. When the loader bucket is inserted into the pile and stripped of material, it can be difficult to insert and strip due to the stiff material. Even if the diesel engine increases the throttle, the forward speed of the loader is still zero, which is the so-called torque converter stall. When the torque converter is turned off, the fuel consumption of the diesel engine is very high, and all the energy generated by the diesel engine is absorbed by the torque converter and converted into heat, which is dissipated into the atmosphere through the torque converter oil radiator. At this time, the operating efficiency of the loader is zero. 3. In the organic cooperation of lifting and turning the bucket lever, the general shovel excavation process of the loader is to lay the bucket flat on the ground and smoothly drive to the material pile. When the parallel shovel of the bucket encounters the resistance of the material pile, the principle of raising the arm first and then closing the bucket should be followed, which can effectively avoid the resistance at the bottom of the bucket and give full play to the larger digging force.
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